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434 Pontiac 2+2's Registered!
05/06/2016 18:27
As of June, 2024, it has been14 years since the start of this Registry.

Our mission is to document every surviving Pontiac 2+2. We've reached yet another milestone - 466 cars, 550+ members!
Thanks to all who have taken the time to register, especially to those who have contributed pictures, tech info, and shared their thoughts on the discussion forum. Thanks to POCI "Smoke Signals" for regularly running a 2+2 Registry ad - probably our #1 source of members. Thanks also to those who have helped recruit new registrants.
A special thanks to those members who have donated and/or purchased Registry Store items to help fund this effort.
This is your community - I hope it serves as a useful tribute to the unique legacy of our prized 2+2's.

Jack "Old Injun" Anderson
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